Friday, October 30, 2015

What a Morning!

After yesterdays Daybreak with Dad's I thought that this morning would be smooth sailing. Boy was I mistaken! It just seemed to be one thing after another. I am writing this blog post with my hands still shaking & my heart beating out of my chest. Carrie may even still have goosebumps!

At 7:45 am, the dads begin to leave. No problem. Walkers, drivers, everybody going just fine. At 7:50 am, the car rider line begins to move. We are doing just fine. Things are a little slow, but moving. We are crossing people in the crosswalk between cars again, but things are moving. We had a very big back up of the N. Firethonre through traffic heading towards 1463, but once they were through, we got things moving again.

Carrie & I are letting the school traffic out & have our stop signs up to stop through traffic heading toward 1463. A lady totally doesn't stop at all. She gets so close to me that my stop sign is on her windshield! She almost ran over my toes! That is how close she was to me. Carrie was jumping up down with her stop sign, & the woman was oblivious! These people need to pay attention! Watch the crossing guards, look for the bright yellow, obey the stop signs that are in our hands! Lady, if you would've hit me, especially with my stop sign high in the air, you would've been handed a hefty ticket! This is the first time that an incident as crossing guard brought tears to my eyes. I could barely concentrate after that, & was 100% shaking, heart in my throat!

We had five cars who, I guess, didn't feel they needed to go get at the end of the drop off line, they decided they needed to turn around right in front of the school after they passed our cones! Just turned around & cut in line! Five people! How rude is that!!!

We had a few cars in the drop off line who decided at the very last minute that they didn't have a child in their car to drop off, so they swerved to go straight. That's always nice when you're not ready for them or think that they're turning into the school.

And the biggest thing to happen this morning is that due to Daybreak with Dads, or maybe the increasing traffic on 1463, we had cars backed up from 1463 all the way to the school driveway. Just stopped. So Carrie & I switched the cone & started directing people left out of the school. So they were heading toward S. Firethorne rather than 1463. It cleared some of the congestion, but you will never guess who was in that left turn bit of traffic. Yes, our right turn only friend in the tan truck! Hmpfh.

Anyway, positive note, it was Superhero Day!! Most of us had our superhero capes on & I guess those superhero powers helped us direct that crazy traffic today! Becuase something helped us through this morning's craziness!!!

It is supposed to storm today, so we may have a fun afternoon ahead of us!

Happy Friday! & Happy day before Halloween!!!

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