Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Angry Parent

I know that I have mentioned to you about a parent who feels the need to turn left each & every afternoon. Well, today we had an incident that prompted us to contact Ms. Kovar to address the situation. The woman pulled up to the cone that's there to prevent left-hand turns. Carrie is waving her to turn right, but the woman is still sitting there at the cone like she is waiting for us to move it. I am standing by the sign that says Right Turn Only pointing to it, & she is raising her hands in disgust. After a bit of this, she finally turns right, drives a couple of yards down the road & does a u-turn right in the middle of the street, speeding as she does so. She comes back around, turns back into the school, parks, & walks in. We know exactly what is going to happen here, so it prompted the following email to Ms. Kovar: 

Hi there Ms. Kovar,
I just wanted to bring an issue to your attention that we have with a specific parent each & every afternoon.
As you know, the signs around the school say "Right Turn Only" between certain hours. Of course, we have the parents every morning & afternoon who try to make the left-hand turns out of the school driveway. We have added a cone to try to avoid any confusion & it has proven to be quite helpful.
Unfortunately, we have a lady in a tannish/brown smaller pick-up truck that tries to turn left almost every afternoon. She will pull right up to the cone that we have there to avoid left turns like she wants us to move it. We always direct her to turn right, but she always throws her hands in the air, speeds out of the parking lot, then proceeds to either speed through the teacher parking lot to turn around a make a left turn, or as she did today, turn around right in the middle of the street. Obviously, today she did the same, but we noticed that she had been parked in a parking spot in front of the school prior to her coming out. We also saw her turn back into the school & walk in, most likely to complain about us.
We are out there to keep everyone safe, and direct traffic according to the school rules. When we are not out there, we don't care what they do, but when we are out there our first priority is to keep everyone safe & follow the rules. Unfortunately, with her anger & actions she is putting people at risk. With her gunning it out of the parking lot, turning around, then speeding past us, it could be a disaster one day.  I know I can speak for all of the crossing guards, that we like to have fun, yes, but we take our jobs very seriously, and this has become a concern to us. 
I'm not sure if there is anything that you can do about this, but I just wanted to bring it to your attention & let you know what has been happening. I have copied Carrie because she has been there with me & witnessed it for the past week, Cara because she has seen it as well, & Laura because I believe she was with me one day when the woman did the same thing.  
Thank you for taking the time to "hear" us.
Have a wonderful day!
Anneliese Grassi


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